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Alumni News

Shanna Dietz Surendra, Department of State, joined our students April 15, 2021 to discuss possible career paths in foreign service after graduation.

Our Ph.D Michael Faber has a new book out. An Anti-Federalist Constitution: The Development of Dissent in the Ratification Debates (American Political Thought).

Timothy Rich, PhD 2012, received the 2021 Potter College Faculty Award for Excellence in Advisement at Western Kentucky University.

Jeff Pickering, Professor, Kansas State University, is the 2019 recipient of the Quincy Wright Distinguished Scholar Award by the International Studies Association.

Ian Anson, Assistant Professor, University of Maryland Baltimore City, won the Mid-Career Faculty Award of the College of Arts, Humanities, and Social Sciences at the University of Maryland-Baltimore as well as his department's Teacher of the Year Award.

Carolyn Holmes, assistant professor at Mississippi State University was named “outstanding undergraduate professor of the year” for 2018.

Lori Poloni Staudinger was the recipient of the Eleanor Roosevelt award from the Coconino County Democrats.