The Indiana Political Analysis Workshop (IPAW) is a concentration within the Political Science major where students learn analysis techniques and data science, gaining hands-on experience with both qualitative and quantitative tools, statistical programming, and data visualization. The goal of the program is to prepare our students for jobs that use data-driven analysis, including public and private sector policy positions and applied data science. IPAW is also excellent preparation for students interested in graduate programs in business, public policy, and public administration, as well as for those considering a Ph.D. in Political Science or other social science disciplines.
In addition to meeting their major requirements, IPAW students take two applied methodology classes, a senior seminar, and a graduate class in political science. You can also enroll for the department’s honors program using a paper written for your IPAW classes. Students completing the honors option will receive an honors diploma in Political Science.
If you need more information or want to apply to IPAW, please contact our IPAW director, Professor William Bianco (