A special issue on Bobbio - Norberto Bobbio: A Life for Democracy on the Battlefield of Ideologies - co-edited by David Ragazzoni (Columbia) and Aurelian Crautu (Indiana) as the latest issue of Journal of Political Ideologies: Journal of Political Ideologies: Vol 27, No 3 (tandfonline.com)The essays collected in this special issue of the Journal of Political Ideologies, written by scholars based in Europe and North America, confirm the richness of Bobbio’s thought. Combining historical contextualization with historical analysis, they illuminate the complex ways in which he studied rival ideologies (liberalism, socialism, fascism, Marxism), examined the relationship between their past and present, and assessed their potential to forge political practice. At the intersection of political theory, legal theory, and the history of ideas, Bobbio’s writings offer a unique vantage point for understanding the evolution of 20th-century ideologies, in Italy as well as in Europe.
Norberto Bobbio: A Life for Democracy on the Battlefield of Ideologies
Norberto Bobbio: A Life for Democracy on the Battlefield of Ideologies
- Aurelian Craiutu, David Ragazzoni
- Publication Date
October 27, 2022 - Website
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